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Who We Are

Michigan Fair Elections is a federated network of citizen organizations, leaders, and activists aligning their individual missions to work together to build a permanent election integrity infrastructure in every county in Michigan, to provide ongoing citizen oversight, transparency, and accountability of Michigan elections.


Below are the members of our coalition of Michigan grass roots groups.

America First Michigan First logo
america first works logo
brighter michigan pac logo
citizens liberating michigan logo
coalition to rescue michigan
founders freedom forum logo
freedom works logo
hillsdale republican party logo
michigan conservative union
stand up jackson co logo
stand up livingston co logo
stand up michigan logo

The Problem - Did You Know?

In violation of the law, the Michigan Secretary of State’s training manuals teach clerks to count absentee ballots that aren’t the ballots mailed to the voter.

In 2018, the Sec. of State Benson joined Michigan in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) on the pretense of cleaning the voter rolls. Since then and for first time in history, the number of registered voters in Michigan has climbed to 102.4% of voting-aged residents. Of the state’s 83 counties, 67 (a full 80%) have more registered voters than eligible voters



In East Lansing alone, 1,936 ineligible people voted during the 2020 election, and the city’s voter rolls are 36% inaccurate as reported in the Pure Integrity Michigan (PIME) Lights Out report. See exhibit below.


ineligible voters cast E lansing MI


Over $20 million from Mark Zuckerberg was funneled through groups like the Center for Tech and Civic Life to Democrat areas, with $7.4 million going to the city of Detroit alone.



A total of 24,156 votes went missing from the state’s official Qualified Voter File (QVF) after the 2020 election and voter histories keep shifting, as described in EIF Report 5.



The city of Detroit had 5,486 election officials and only 170, just 3%, were Republican.


A judge ruled SOS Jocelyn Benson broke state law by instructing local clerks to presume signatures on all absentee ballots match without any real validation

You are needed. Volunteer to join the Michigan Fair Elections today. 


Our Solution - What We Do

MFE is a federated network of citizen organizations, leaders, and activists aligning their individual missions to work together to build a permanent election integrity infrastructure in every county in Michigan, to provide ongoing citizen oversight, transparency, and accountability of Michigan elections.


MFE provides a platform for the local and county election integrity task forces to collaborate as a team to share information and address needs. The MFE solution has two components:


  1. A state federation/coalition focused on ensuring the Secretary of State offices (SOS Jocelyn Benson) and Bureau of Elections (Jonathan Brater) comply with state statutes                                       

  2. A local task force in each county focused on the election operations in that county​



MFE's state and local task force volunteers are focused on the following areas:


  1. Technology and voting systems

  2. Protecting vulnerable voters in nursing homes and those under guardianship orders

  3. Ballot drop boxes and the postal service (USPS) and its interactions with the election office

  4. Legal compliance and enforcement

  5. Legislative solutions



Ready to join us? Want to join a local county task force?  Sign up below:







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© 2024 by Michigan Fair Elections Institute

Mail Checks Payable Michigan Fair Elections InstitutePO BOX 41Stockbridge, MI 49285

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