Tonight, I am pleased to join with Representative Steve Carra in speaking at an AMAC video event. I hope you will attend. Rather than Zoom, AMAC uses GoToMeeting, and the meeting will begin at 7 PM, May 9. This will be a webinar.
Here's the agenda:
Date: May 9, 2023
Event Live Broadcast: 7:00 pm (ET)

Guest Speaker: Steve Carra, MI State Representative
Topic: Legislative Update

Guest Speaker: Election Integrity Update, Patrice Johnson, Chair, Michigan Fair Elections & Pure Integrity Michigan Elections
Topic: What MFE supporters doing to restore integrity to Michigan elections: The fight to stop ERIC from corrupting our voter rolls. Soles to the Rolls.
To attend, here is the GoToMeeting link.
https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7134409226107609949 Anyone preferring to listen only, telephone +1 (415) 655-0052 and enter attendee access code 658-611-414.
You are invited to join.
And don't forget this Thursday's MFE Zoom at Noon:

Counties are cooking. Action. Action. Action.
Supporters welcome. Sorry, No press.
For election integrity in Michigan,