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Election Integrity News Blog


Call to Action: Get out the vote to stop Proposal 2. “Promote the Vote” is deceitful. It kills voter

Dear Friend,

Three priorities need to guide our actions as we head into the November 8 elections:

1) Ensure election integrity candidates are elected,

2) Stop Proposal 2 from killing our state's election integrity, and

3) Have a presence at election offices to keep ballot processing fair and square.

Many of us are working hard to support conscientious and honest candidates, so let us jump straight to item 2.

2) Proposal two, Promote [Steal] the Vote was created to kill voter ID while pulling the wool over voter's eyes. It's a lie. Residents overwhelming want voter ID and fair elections. They support citizen oversight and authentic audits.

Prop 2 is the wishlist of wolves hungry to devour election safeguards. Most of the public doesn't realize Promote [Steal] the Vote was written to deceive them. Or that it would change our state constitution.

Below is a message from Sen. Ruth Johnson, chair of the Senate Elections Committee. Read her message.

Go here to the MFE website. Download the materials you need to knock on doors, to email friends, and to post the facts on social networks. Spread the word.

3) Sign up here to become a poll challenger for pre processing the Sunday and Monday before the election.

Once people sign up, they will be sent an email with the training dates and RSVP links. All trainings are conducted online via zoom.

Here is the link to sign up to become a poll challenger on Election Day. Once your sign up, you'll be sent the training schedule and RSVP link.

Thank you,

Patrice Johnson, chair

A message from Sen. Ruth Johnson:

Proposal 2 would weaken election integrity in our state. Despite false promises in its ads, this proposal would actually prohibit ever requiring photo-ID from voters.

The Michigan Senate last year passed legislation to strengthen photo ID requirements for voting, while also providing free state personal identification cards to those who need them. However, it was vetoed by the governor and now Proposal 2, if approved, would prevent any future laws to strengthen photo ID requirements for voting. This ignores the will of nearly 80% of Michigan registered voters who support strong photo ID requirements to protect integrity.

Proposal 2 would also allow ballots to be counted even if they are received after Election Day from voters living overseas. This could serve to delay results in close races and would lack the safeguards currently in place for ballots processed on Election Day.

Perhaps one of the most troubling aspects of Proposal 2 is that it would instruct local clerks to mail BALLOTS (not applications) to absentee voters every election without a request each year. This means that each election tens or hundreds of thousands of ballots will be mailed to individuals who have moved or died. This creates a new and massive opportunity for fraud.

This proposal would also allow non-government, third-parties to provide funding for our elections. How can our elections be truly impartial when they are being paid for by special interests?

Other provisions that might seem good are already the law. Eligible individuals already have a right to vote without harassment. Election officials already conduct post-election audits (I started them when I was Secretary of State).

Don’t believe the misleading advertisements, Proposal 2 would hurt election integrity. Please vote No!

Sen. Ruth Johnson, 14th District

Chair, Michigan Senate Elections Committee

Former Michigan Secretary of State

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