By Elizabeth Dallam Ayoub | February 7, 2024
The Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (MICRC) meets on Thursday, February 8, 2024. The original agenda for this meeting was to hold a hearing to vote on whether or not to remove one commissioner (Anthony Eid) for cause.
One commissioner relayed to this Michigan Fair Elections source that last week “The commission voted yesterday not to have the hearing on February 8th but instead vote on if they will have a hearing on that date.”
We the People, please attend February 8’s meeting and make public comment and request that the MICRC follow the laws that govern it. Link to the MICRC Public Comment Form to give either live or in written comments during the meeting here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage
At the 2018 general election We the People voted to form the MICRC; the MICRC is now enshrined in Michigan’s Constitution.
Each commissioner shall perform his or her duties in a manner that is impartial and reinforces public confidence in the integrity of the redistricting process. (Michigan Constitution §6 (10))
one commissioner, appointed to serve as “not affiliated with either party,” (independent) is a self-avowed Democrat In Michigan, an effort to take politics out of redistricting | PBS News Weekend
Each commissioner shall not currently be or in the past 6 years have been any of the following: A paid consultant or employee of a federal, state, or local elected official or political candidate, of a federal, state or local political candidate’s campaign . . . (Michigan Constitution §6 (1)(b)(iv))
the same commissioner, appointed as an independent, “joined several political campaigns, worked for the Michigan House, and served on Governor Whitmer’s team.” In Michigan, an effort to take politics out of redistricting | PBS News Weekend
The commission, its members, may not directly or indirectly solicit or accept any gift . . . or other thing of value greater than $20 for the benefit of any person or organization which may influence the manner in which the commissioner performs his or her duties. (Michigan Constitution §6 (11))
the same commissioner attended, and was photographed, while simultaneously working on redistricting maps, at the first fundraiser for Noah Arbit, who ultimately won his election to the Michigan House. This commissioner specifically presented to the MICRC the redistricting map for the district now represented by Arbit.
this commissioner accepted a position and worked for APIA while APIA was a plaintiff in litigation against the MICRC and had to be told to resign from working for APIA (and ultimately did).
Each commissioner shall perform his or her duties in a manner that is impartial and reinforces public confidence in the integrity of the redistricting process. (Michigan Constitution §6 (10))
If your confidence in the integrity of the redistricting process is high, just sit at home.
If your confidence in the integrity of the redistricting process is shaky, still sit - but in front of your online device and “attend” the meeting on Thursday, February 8 to make your voice known. Let MICRC commissioners know they must hold the hearing and that they must follow the Michigan Constitution. Remind them of §6 (10) of the Michigan Constitution.
We the People voted in the law that formed the MICRC; We the People know what we had wanted the MICRC to do; We the People need to let the MICRC know they obtain their power from us.
MICRC website: https://www.michigan.gov/MICRC
MICRC meetings playlist: http://www.youtube.com/@micrc1370
MICRC 2024 meetings: 2024 meetings Michigan Redistricting Commission - YouTube
Elizabeth Dallam Ayoub serves as MFE’s director of communications. She started her career working for an international company, transitioned into teaching French and Latin while her children were young, and then became a Michigan attorney.
News @ Noon: MFE Coalition Task Force Meetings

Join us Thursday, February 8th at 12 PM for
MFE's Coalition Task Force Meeting
Registration is required to attend the meeting.
After registering, you will receive an email with details on to join the meeting.
Register below:
Please note: No representatives of the media are allowed in our meetings.
Please donate to Michigan Fair Elections
MFE is a fiercely independent, tax-exempt 501(c)3 charity. We rely on voluntary contributions to fund our important, and sometimes costly, work. Legal claims are sometimes essential to improve the government and protect citizen rights, and they can be expensive.
Please support MFE's investigative research, honest journalism, and litigative actions to defend We the People's inalienable rights as protected in the U.S. Constitution. Donate today to assist our educational efforts to protect the principles of individual liberty in America.
Mark Your Calendar:

WANTED: Poll Challengers and Election Inspectors

Pure Integrity Michigan Elections (PIME) is renewing its participation in the statewide Election Protection Team to make sure cities and towns across the Mitten State have an equal partisan balance of election inspectors and poll challengers, as the law requires.
If you are interested in becoming an election inspector or poll challenger, fill out the form at: www.electionprotectionteam.com/MI. Once you sign up, you will be emailed a list of poll challenger trainings.
All poll challengers must attend at least one training to be placed at a location in 2024. To register, click on one of the Training Schedule links below. If you cannot attend one of these training sessions, more will be scheduled for February.
Virtual (Zoom) Training Schedule
Wednesday, February 7th at 7:00 PM (RSVP here)
Thursday, February 8th at 11:00 AM (RSVP here)
Monday, February 12th at 1:00 PM (RSVP here)
Wednesday, February 14th at 7:00 PM (RSVP here)
Thursday, February 15th at 11:00 AM (RSVP here)
Monday, February 19th at 1:00 PM (RSVP here)
Wednesday, February 21 at 7:00 PM (RSVP here)
Monday, February 26 at 1:00 PM (RSVP here)

Mark your calendars to attend Election Integrity Network's outstanding national working groups. Consider also serving as liaison to report to MFE's Task Force Coalition on our Thursday meetings.
Citizen Research Project | Ned Jones, EIN
Every Tuesday at 6 p.m. (ET)
Election Technology | Jim Womack, NCEIT
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 4 p.m. (ET)
Introduction to Election Integrity Infrastructure | Kerri Toloczko and Ned Jones, EIN
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7 p.m. (ET)
Vote By Mail / USPS | Ned Jones, EIN
Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 4 p.m. (ET)
Legislative Development | Kathleen Harms, TN
Every Wednesday at 2 p.m. (ET)
Voter Roll Maintenance | Willard Helander, EIN
Every Wednesday at 4 p.m. (ET)
Vulnerable Voters | Kerri Toloczko, EIN
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 4 p.m. (ET)
Every 1st Thursday at 7 p.m. (ET)
Election Audits | Mike Raisch
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 4 p.m. (ET)
Building Local Task Forces | Joshua Taylor
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7 p.m. (ET)
Media Training | Kerri Toloczko
Every 1st Thursday at 7 p.m. (ET)
The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Michigan Fair Elections. Artificial intelligence may have been used in the creation of this message or in the links referenced herein.