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MFEI News & Commentary


Encouragement from the Front Lines

MFEI Editor’s note: If we thought the November 2024 election was going to solve all our problems, most of us now realize there is still a very long way to go, especially on the election integrity front. Amy Hawkins’ reminder from Samuel Adams is timely and welcome. Let’s set some brushfires!

By Amy J. Hawkins | March 5, 2025

Reprinted with permission from Amy J. Hawkins Substack

It’s easy to launch something. It’s easy to sit online and complain. It’s easy to “go once” or make an appearance. But it’s hard to keep going when the sparkle has worn off, or everyone else has gone quiet, or gone home.

It’s easy to initiate a rallying cry to a cause, to make it a one time “fun excursion” to “dinner and a civics meeting”, and to show up with energy - one time. But it’s something else when you are the only person sitting in the school board meeting, or the only one holding elected leaders to account on a big topic, or when you are now the target of disdain by leaders because you have simply asked too many questions.

Then a dear friend sent me this quote last night.

It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. ―Samuel Adams

I am on my twenty-third (plus) year of engaging in civics and important causes. And time after time, God reminds me, “Amy, it’s okay. What you see may be different than what I am calling “them” to tackle. Do not lose heart. But keep going.”

I could give up. I could quit. I could stop all my civic efforts, and cause-promotions, and assume with everyone else, “I’m one person - I can’t make that big of a difference!” I could adopt the philosophy that “someone else will do it.”

Or I can be an adult and recognize hard things are okay, and challenges won’t break me but refine me. And important changes are not supposed to come easily.

I cannot despise those who are frustrated at me, and I cannot despair at those who stay away. I am not at their part of the story. I must be a bearer of grace.

So whatever task God has called you to in the civics arena, may this quote be a breath of fresh air for your heart too. But whatever you do - do not give up on doing good. In time, from this side of Heaven, or from the stands “up there”, we will see good come.



Amy J. Hawkins, small business owner and resident of Jackson County Michigan, is a passionate advocate for citizen engagement with over 20 years of statewide and local political experience. Follow Amy's Substack here.


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Important Notes and Disclaimers for Election Integrity Network National Working Groups and coalition calls

  • We operate under strict 501 (c)(4) non-profit, non-partisan guidelines. Please do not make any comments during the call or in the chat that are directly related to any campaign or candidate running for office or could be considered an endorsement or opposition of that candidate.

  • All calls are “off the record.” This means that no members of the media are allowed on our calls and this rule also applies to participants. No comment or presentation can be shared outside of the call without the express permission of the speaker. No recording can be made of the call without express permission from the moderator- this includes closed captioning.

  • We always welcome new participants but ask that all newcomers register with their own registration link. Please do not forward your personal link to another participant.

  • For the security of the call, if you join by phone, you may be asked to unmute and provide your name. 

  • This meeting is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or instruction to lobby on behalf of any issue or organization.


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Full list of National Working Group Meetings and meeting links:


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*Important Notes and Disclaimers for Election Integrity Network National Working Groups and coalition calls*

  • We operate under strict 501 (c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan guidelines. Please do not make any comments during the call or in the chat that are directly related to any campaign or candidate running for office or could be considered an endorsement or opposition of that candidate.

  • All calls are “off the record.” This means that no members of the media are allowed on our calls and this rule also applies to participants. No comment or presentation can be shared outside of the call without the express permission of the speaker. This includes the call "Notes" available to our participants. 

  • We always welcome new participants but ask that all newcomers register with their own registration link. Please do not forward your personal link to another participant.

  • For the security of the call, if you join by phone, you may be asked to unmute and provide your name. 

  • This meeting is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or instruction to lobby on behalf of any issue or organization.

© 2024 by Michigan Fair Elections Institute

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