Michigan must exit the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) right now. Below, Bill Richardson provides the tools you need to share with your elected representatives and senators. Show them the dangers and legal violations of ERIC.
How to discuss concerns about ERIC with your Representative/Senator
by Bill Richardson
In a recent meeting with his state legislator, I started by stating the goal of our conversation: To discuss the Electronic Registration Information Center and the reasons Michigan must get off the ERIC system:
1. ERIC is a hot mess. Soros-funded. Only 4 employees. Delaware Nonprofit. 30 member states. Last filed annual report 2017--5 years ago.
2. Membership in ERIC violates transparency laws. ERIC is totally opaque. It refuses to honor Freedom of Information Act requests and prohibits member states from complying with FOIA requests about ERIC. This cloaked and opaque operation flies in the face of election transparency. This is unlawful and an affront to FOIA and our constitutional rights.
3. The SOS office appears to be violating Mich. statute, MCL 168.509gg, by providing private Michigan voter information with the 30 other states enrolled in the ERIC system.
4. Since announcing Mich. enrollment in ERIC in 2019, Michigan now has, for the first time ever, more registered voters than eligible voters. /the QVF is clearly not being cleaned up. Voters are only being added, which only increases the chances for fraud in elections.
5. The SOS may be violating Federal law as the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 requires states to make reasonable efforts to remove ineligible voters from their rolls. Clearly Michigan is not doing this as we have more voters registered than is possible given the number of Michigan citizens of legal voting age.
Next, I listed some details from some notes I took when reading the 3-part series by the Gateway Pundit that Patrice shared with us all several weeks back.
1. ERIC member states must provide details on all active and inactive voters every 60 days.
2. Member states must also provide every individual in the State’s Motor Vehicle Database, both licensed and ID recipients.
3. ERIC then provides each member state a targeted list of people that are not registered to vote. The membership by-laws require the state to contact at least 95% of these people within 90 days, soliciting them to register. a. It is not known how ERIC generates this list.
4. ERIC has NO requirements to clean up the voter rolls.
5. ERIC’s rules explain that “under no circumstances shall the members transmit any record indicating an individual is a non-citizen of the United States”.
6. ERIC’s bylaws require that States collect and share with other member states a voter’s Driver’s License or State ID Number, their date of birth, and phone numbers. This directly violates MCL 168.509gg.
Next, I mentioned to Rep. Lightner that Michigan has more registered voters than eligible voters in 67 of our 83 counties, and shared with her the Excel file to show the number of registered voters exceeding the number of eligible voters after entering the ERIC system.

Finally I followed up with my three main points again for getting Michigan out of the ERIC system:
1. Membership in ERIC violates transparency laws. ERIC is totally opaque. It refuses to honor Freedom of Information Act requests and prohibits member states from complying with FOIAs seeking information about ERIC. Membership in ERIC flies in the face of election transparency. It is unlawful and an affront to FOIA laws and our constitutional rights.
2. The SOS office appears to be violating MCL 168.509gg by providing private Michigan voter information with the 30 other states enrolled in the ERIC system.
3. Since enrolling in ERIC in 2018, Michigan now has, for the first time ever, more registered voters than eligible voters. So. the QVF is clearly not being cleaned up. Voters are only being added, which only increases the chances for fraud in elections.
Resource links:
Gateway Pundit article https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/cleaning-voter-rolls-sorosfounded-funded-eric-now-used-31-states/
Judicial Watch voter roll study
Michigan SOS voter count statistics
PIME articles: FOIA Denied: No info on ERIC and QVF from local clerk; PIME HAVA complaint for SOS Benson joining Mich. in 3rd Party ERIC; Zuckerbucks and ERIC: Biased refs call game in favor of one side; Momentum Grows as ERIC exposed, CALL TO ACTION. Alert Legislators: The Left's Taxpayer-Funded Voter Registration Machine, ERIC; Wisconsin’s participation in ERIC violates federal law, attorney claims; New evidence: Politically compromised ERIC bloats Michigan's voter rolls to crisis levels; CALL TO ACTION: Alert your legislators. Politically compromised ERIC inserts bias into voter rolls; CALL TO ACTION: ERIC slips non-citizens onto voter rolls through Mich. DMV