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MFEI News & Commentary


CALL TO ACTION: 8 days to Stop Prop 2


8 days. That's all the time we have to Stop Prop 2. Leftist dark money is flooding into the state and saying Prop 2 is for Voter ID. That's a lie. It's up to us to beat the deceit.

If passed, Proposal 2 will change the Michigan State Constitution to permanently stop the effort to require photo ID to vote. It will allow convicted murderers and rapists to vote. It will give billionaires access to further manipulate our elections. It will tie the hands of citizen election oversight.

Prop 2 is a fraudster's wish list for stealing our elections.

We can beat the deceit and Stop Prop 2, but only if we all participate in the Manhattan Project. Research shows that if we each spend a few minutes sharing messages with our Facebook friends, we can alert millions of voters. Tell them: Don't be fooled. Urge them to share your messages with their friends and neighbors.

To participate is easy. We'll send you a daily message. Add a personal note and share on Facebook. Share on Telegram. Truth. Signal. Parler. Email--wherever you normally go.

Each day, every day for the next 8 days, become a keyboard warrior from the comfort of your home.

Already voted absentee? No worries. Simply go to your local clerk and say you need to change your vote. The clerk will spoil your first ballot and issue you a new one. Easy Peasy. But hurry. The countdown clock is ticking.

Spread the word:

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