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Election Integrity News Blog


Showcase: MFE Volunteers Give Thanks on Thanksgiving

November 23, 2023

Dear Friend, To commemorate Thanksgiving, a day President Lincoln memorialized as a holiday, I asked a few MFE and PIME volunteers to please comment on something they are thankful for in our country and to describe their volunteer service to MFE or PIME.

May the Thanksgiving messages below swell your heart as they did mine.

As for me, I am deeply grateful for family and friends, and for the many new friends I’ve made through MFE and PIME. Friends like you understand, as America’s founders did, that each citizen’s involvement is essential to preserve our free republic and to steer our government to steadfast service to We the People. Each of us has the power to change our world, and when we team together, we can preserve the blessings of civil and religious liberty.

Thank you to all MFE volunteers and supporters.

-- Patrice Johnson

I'm thankful for the entire Bill of Rights; and especially the 1st Amendment; and, in particular at this time, "the right of the people to peaceably assemble." Since becoming more involved in my community, inviting people to peacefully assemble on a monthly basis has been a source of encouragement and strength. Although current, unfortunate circumstances have given us reasons to assemble, through it I have met and befriended the most wonderful souls on earth, and this has made community involvement a true blessing.

Assembling in smaller groups to canvass or to meet at local board meetings have also been both encouraging and productive. Meeting others online for MFE committees has extended the blessing to meet true patriots across the state and nation! And of course, the added benefit of assembling regularly is effectively advancing the cause of election integrity. I'm so grateful today to be a part. Have a enjoyable Thanksgiving, everyone!

--Janine I

I am thankful for Patriotic Americans! I serve as a county lead for MFE/Soles to the Roles. Every day I work with patriotic Americans who still believe in the rule of law, honesty and integrity. They are working tirelessly for clean and fair elections where we are able to choose our governmental leaders who will represent the will of We The People.

--Marla W

I’m grateful for #FreedomNews #FirstAmendentRights and #ProtectOurConstitution…Specifically in this group, I’m grateful for the cabinet members who formed PIME & MFE AND FOR every single volunteer who fights the Good Fight for Faith, Family & Freedom, with us!

--Margie G

It has been a pleasure working with you and being part of the MFE team. I am thankful for my family, church family and the privilege of living in a country where I can freely worship my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I take notes for multiple Zoom meeting groups, help with digital canvasing in Washtenaw County, helped design the Soles to Rolls palm cards and do follow up calls with new volunteers. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

--Bill H

I am thankful for so many things in our country. Most importantly is our God and savior's protection over our group that he will provide us with continued care. Secondly, are the folks such as you who keep the warrior spirit in fighting against the communists trying to overthrow our rights.

I pray for you to be highly blessed! Unfortunately, outside of financial support, I fall short in actively supporting our group. Currently I am attending the zoom meetings. With my husband's medical requirements, that's what I can do. Wishing everybody a very Happy Thanksgiving. Go Lions!


I am so thankful for the wisdom of our founding fathers in writing our Constitution and for all the men and women who have fought to protect the freedoms it provides. Ours is truly the greatest country in the world.

I'm also very thankful for you and your dedication and efforts to ensure election integrity in Michigan and other states, and for making PIME and MFE the organizations that they are today.

--Cheryl P

I am thankful for family and our 1st amendment, we should be able to believe and express different ideas. I keep an accurate and detailed current account of weekly activities year round in our active leaders group.I support and find volunteers in assisting our election poll workers and challengers and share our current up to date information. I keep a log of each election of all republicans and democrats to keep an equal number of workers in all 24 of our municipalities. I personally submit our current inspectors to all our clerks (with a timestamp when they receive them). I post training to all my local poll workers. I chair our election committee and meet with my group 2x month (sometimes more). I'm involved in drop box monitoring, QVF cleanup, I have a project in basecamp where leaders can post their election candidates. I am on the board of canvassers.

--Bonnie K In spite of all of my groanings, I am thankful for living in this country where the premise is freedom and liberty. I appreciate being able to pray and worship God and all that He has given me. I am grateful for knowing you and others that fight for our rights and march on without fear.

I have been a part of MFE for about seven months. I attend Zoom calls for Litigation, County and Communications. I love Zoom @ Noon!! Although I have been assigned various roles, I am still trying to find what fits my specific talents. I am looking towards Soles to the Rolls.

I wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!

--Kathleen M

I'm grateful for our forefathers and their wisdom, courage and faith. They established a constitutional republic based upon our God given rights and freedoms. They follow biblical principles when drawing up the constitution and the bill of rights. This allowed the United States to become one of the greatest countries in history.

I am grateful for each and every volunteer and what they do. I am in awe of so many of you. Many have great tenacity, knowledge and skill sets that I find amazing. So many work hard and tirelessly for the cause of fair and transparent elections. Thank you to all of you.

--Deborah B

I'm very blessed to live in America and very thankful for our military, first responders, and law enforcement in our country. I grew up in a military family so I know the sacrifices they make. Everyone served our country in hopes they could preserve our Republic and keep us safe. They are often far from home and family on holidays. Our first responders and law enforcement keep us safe on our shores, rushing in to face a crisis and danger and fighting for our rights.

I volunteer in MFE to fight for free and fair elections, so we can elect representatives who will preserve the rights of all citizens, and protect the rights of our military, first responders and law enforcement as they do their jobs. If our elections aren't protected then our rights can't be protected. I specifically work to clean the voter rolls using check my vote and canvassing. I recruit volunteers, review data and support the volunteers on the ground as they canvas the questionable registrations, I compile the data they report, I enter the data in Check My Vote, and prepare reports to present to clerks in each jurisdiction so they can remove invalid registrations. I hope my actions and those of our wonderful volunteers will help restore election integrity and preserve our Republic.

God Bless you and warmest wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

--Maureen H

I am so thankful I ran into Kathy Mc at a Patriot meeting in Jackson in April 2021. She told me about PIME, and I started attending meetings shortly thereafter. When I walked into a meeting, I felt like I was home. It didn't hurt that the meetings took place in my old high school. We were in the midst of Covid and no one had masks. I felt free again. I was asked by Patrice to take minutes, and I have been doing that ever since. I also serve on the boards of PIME and MFE and have been with MFE since the beginning. Not only did I gain wonderful friends who truly care about each other, but I gained my husband, Alex Weddon. I also was fortunate to gain Jim and Patrice as in-laws. My life has changed dramatically, for the good. I am part of a community, a family and a movement that makes everything worthwhile.

--Becky W

I'm thankful for religious freedom, and freedom of speech. As a member of PIME since February 2022, I serve on the legislative committee, and living just 15 minutes from the Capitol, I attend weekly House and Senate Elections committee hearings to deliver our message to legislators. I also assist with acquiring guest speakers for our monthly meetings in Stockbridge as well as help to set up and tear down the meeting room.

--Sheree R

Thursday's Zoom at Noon is cancelled due to the holiday. Zoom@Noon will return next week, Nov. 30, 2023.

We at MFE are grateful for your support and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Please donate to Michigan Fair Elections. MFE is a fiercely independent, tax-exempt 501(c)3 charity. We rely on voluntary contributions to fund our important, and sometimes costly, work. Legal claims are sometimes essential to improve the government and protect citizen rights, and they can be expensive.

Please support MFE's investigative research, honest journalism, and litigative actions to defend We the People's inalienable rights as protected in the U.S. Constitution. Donate today to assist our educational efforts to protect the principles of individual liberty in America.



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