Revised May 9, 2023

Michigan must cease, at once, its unlawful and unethical participation in 3-employee ERIC, the Electronic Registration Information Center. Membership in ERIC undermines election integrity and requires MI to share its residents’ personal identifying information, violating citizens right to privacy. ERIC has become a monopoly with partial information. It refuses to comply with the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). It is outdated and counter-productive to cleaning the state’s voter rolls. ERIC infuses bias into the state’s elections and registers non-citizens to vote. Better, cheaper, and easier alternatives are available. Michigan must leave ERIC immediately in order to restore the integrity of its voter rolls in time for the 2024 presidential election.
1. ERIC was flawed from the start: Founded with funds from Soros Open Society. Has 3 employees. No physical address. HQ address for ERIC is an empty office 'mailing address' in a 'rent-by-the-day' virtual space. “A left wing voter registration drive, disguised as voter roll ‘accuracy’ management.” Delaware nonprofit corp. Last filed annual report in 2017. Creator David Becker, formerly with Clinton DOJ, helped acquire & spend Zuckerbucks through his Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR).
2. Michigan’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is illegally sharing residents’ and minors’ protected and personally identifiable information (PII) with ERIC. Then ERIC is sharing this private, personal information with leftist organizations, including the Center for Election Innovation Research, CEIR. ERIC is bloating the voter rolls in a biased manner and also unlawfully exposing the protected PII of all state residents, including non-voting aged minors. See ERIC Sharing Data with Zuckerburg-Funded NGO and Victoria Marshall’s Democrat Operatives Control Voter Rolls in 31 States, The Federalist, Aug. 11, 2022.
3. Better, safer, cheaper technologies are available. ERIC, founded in 2012, is outdated. States can easily do a better job of managing their own voter rolls using the U.S. Postal Services National Change of Address, Social Security death and citizenship tracking databases, NTIS and LADMF (National Technical Information Service and Limited Access Death Master File), used by to secure best info on deaths, and the interstate child support database. Also citizen-created software systems are available at no charge, including Rick Richards’ (GA) interface program, Michigan’s Check My Vote (CMV), software developed in WI and other states. States should legislate to share death data statewide, not just countywide.
4. ERIC refuses to honor Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests and prohibits Michigan’s FOIA compliance. This violates citizens’ constitutional rights.
5. ERIC bloats voter rolls. Sixteen (>50%) of the ERIC states have voter rolls containing more registrations than their citizen voting age populations. SETTLING THE CONFUSION ABOUT ERIC
6. Participation in ERIC’s violates Federal law. The Driver Personal Protection Act and the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 mandate states to maintain their voter rolls and to keep them clean. MI’s Auditor General report found the BOE failed to clean voter rolls. During 2020, 67 of MI’s 83 counties had more registered voters than eligible voters. Impossible. Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%. Watch Atty Erick Kaardal testify in Wisconsin.
7. ERIC is a monopoly and has partial information. ERIC possesses the personal, protected information of 61% of all voting-aged Americans in 25 states. Ironically, it is also ineffective because it lacks the data from half states.
8. Participation in ERIC infuses government bias into our elections. ERIC requires states to contact 95% of people on a potential voters list that ERIC or its leftist subcontractors generates. The algorithms for selection are opaque to Michigan government and residents. Zuckerbucks on steroids.
9. ERIC plays a role in automatically registering non-citizens to vote when they transact with DMV and other agencies that Gov. Whitmer ordered to recruit voters. These agencies don’t ask about citizenship. All DMV transactions are sent to ERIC.
Apportionment and the census: Fundamental fairness to U.S. citizens and democratic process. In MI 1,000 people voted with a surrendered license flag in QVF; 20,500 registered without ID in last 14 days on Election Day, Nov. 2020 (Watch: Sen. Ruth Johnson,
10. Seven (7) states (Florida, Missouri, Ohio, Iowa, West Virginia, Alabama and Louisiana) withdrew from ERIC due to “allegations of voter fraud or possible misuse of our voters’ personal information.” Michigan must do the same.
11. Participation in ERIC violates Michigan Laws (MCL 168.509gg, 168.509o, 168.931, 168.934, 168.939, 168.940,168.941, and 168.942.
(a) Record that person declined to register to vote (b) Office that received reg. voter's application (c) Registered voter driver license or state ID card # (d) Month & day of birth of a registered voter (e) Telephone # provided by registered voter
Why exit ERIC now?
Why exit ERIC now? Michigan must exit ERIC now in order to repair its voter rolls and implement systems for quality ongoing maintenance before the 2024 presidential election.
Steps to exit ERIC:
1. Stop sending ERIC any DMV data at once, especially underaged driver and non-citizen information.
2. Stop mailing to the lists that ERIC provides
3. The Sec. of State should Issue a press release saying she is leaving because she is choosing to protect the highly sensitive PII of state residents. The SOS needs to tell Michigan residents that she believes accurate voter rolls are critical for fair and honest elections. Exiting ERIC is necessary in order to ensure that the SOS and Bureau of Elections can protect the citizens of this state. She can do a better job and increase the quality of our state's voter rolls using publicly available information. When given the option of list maintenance without creating the unnecessary risk to privacy, leaving ERIC was the obvious solution. The SOS should emphasize that the leadership of this state is committed to protecting the privacy and accuracy of its voter rolls.
Additional recommended steps:
• Actively expand and adequately fund the minor technology enhancements necessary to exchange notifications with other states when residents relocate and apply for new drivers’ licenses. Michigan's DMV needs to do a better job of notifying county clerks with in-state resident address changes. People should have to show a valid driver's license or valid state ID with the correct address and citizenship designation in order to vote in person or absentee in their precinct.
• Prohibit online changes of address for mailing absentee ballots.
• Remove non-citizens via SAVE, a DHS electronic Immigration status verification service
• Compile and issue MI reports to maintain voter rolls.
• Put non-PII voter roll information online and more readily available to the public.
• Conduct annual, voter-roll forensic audits to ensure voter roll maintenance complies with ISO standards.
• Publicly post the state's plan for voter roll maintenance and lists.
• Pass Congressional HR 2115 to require states issuing new driver’s licenses to have new residents surrender their old licenses. Destination state to notify exited state.
• Educate relocating residents, and particularly students, to notify their local clerks when they move, and the repercussions for changing their residence or for voting more than one time in an election. References: For Reference (click on links) MFE/PIME
1. Iowa makes 7. Seven states bail from sinking ship that is ERIC. 2. Attempts to influence our elections exposed 3. Alabama withdraws from ERIC 4. FOIA Denied: No info on ERIC and QVF from local clerk; 5. Tools for discussing the need to exit ERIC with your legislator; 6. Who's watching the watchers? Opaque 3rd parties control our personal info & elections in 98% of US 7. PIME HAVA complaint for SOS Benson joining Mich. in 3rd Party ERIC; 8. Zuckerbucks and ERIC: Biased refs call game in favor of one side; 9. Momentum Grows as ERIC exposed; 10. CALL TO ACTION. Alert Legislators: The Left's Taxpayer-Funded Voter Registration Machine, ERIC; 11. Wisconsin’s participation in ERIC violates federal law, attorney claims; 12. New evidence: Politically compromised ERIC bloats Michigan's voter rolls to crisis levels; 13. CALL TO ACTION: Alert your legislators. Politically compromised ERIC inserts bias into voter rolls; 14. CALL TO ACTION: ERIC slips non-citizens onto voter rolls through Mich. DMV Judicial Watch: What's wrong with ERIC? Judicial Watch details leftist roots Real Clear Politics: It's time to set the record straight on ERIC's lies Restoration News: ERIC caught sharing voter data with CEIR. New documents reveal the Left’s top data-collector colluding with partisan activists Capital Research Center: ERIC’s Friends in the Activist Left: Born in the Shadows ERIC’s Friends in the Activist Left: CEIR and ERIC ERIC’s Friends in the Activist Left: Secret Meetings with Elections Officials The Federalist: ERIC Sharing Data with Zuckerburg-Funded NGO; Democrat Operatives Control Voter Rolls in 31 States Verity Vote: ERIC Sharing Data with Zuckerburg-Funded NGO
Gateway Pundit:,,,
Awesome! Someone has a backbone, courage, and the finances to move forward!