Patrice Johnson
Chair, Michigan Fair Elections Institute
November 27, 2024
For those of us who have been battling to bring back confidence in America’s elections, this holiday season will be particularly sweet. We know the battle is not over, but we have regained an important foothold, and indeed, a new level of confidence in our just cause.
It is entirely appropriate that we celebrate what we, by the grace of the good Lord, have accomplished. Part of any celebration is a recounting, with giving thanks, the points of accomplishment. In the victories listed below, you’re also likely recognize areas in which you and fellow co-workers’ played a role. You will see the fruits of your labor.

Perhaps the greatest of all our accomplishments was MFEI’s cohesion as an organization throughout the fluid and stress-filled past few months.
As we give thanks for our families, friends, and blessings, let us also give thanks for one another, for the camaraderie that made possible the accomplishments below. Please know your efforts are appreciated.
MFEI’s mission is to help restore fair and unbiased elections in Michigan through education, local task force coalitions, and litigation. And we have done just that! Here are some highlights.
Educate and Engage
Our reputation as election experts, and thus, our political leadership, reached new heights.

Just in the last four months, we have produced and distributed three important publications. Just yesterday MFEI published Failure of UOCAVA: Potential for Noncitizen Voting in Our Elections.
In October, we published Michigan Election Law Summary and FAQs, Roles and Responsibilities of County Boards of Canvassers All are available for free download in the MFEI website Library. Click here.
Soles to Rolls (S2R) Voter Roll Clean Up Program
MFEI has recruited nearly 600 volunteers (many in Michigan’s most troubled counties) who have facilitated the removal of 596 ineligible registrations from the voter rolls, flagged 17,451 suspect voter roll entries, and put 13,069 entries into triage for canvasser verification and clerk collaboration. Regular communication was launched to retain and synchronize this tremendous clean-up army doing granular-level examinations of Michigan’s bloated voter rolls.
Letter Writing Campaigns
In September, MFEI mailed 67,500 letters to registrants who had moved out of Michigan but remained on the voter rolls. Our materials showed recipients how to cancel their Michigan registrations. We responded to nearly 600 inquiries and forwarded information to clerks when appropriate.
Adopt a Clerk Program

One of MFEI’s strategic objectives is to educate, assist, and build relationships with existing and new clerks. In fact, we wrote Michigan Election Law Summary and FAQs specifically to assist clerks. In a letter to 1,600 clerks, our legal experts advised clerks not to accept electronically returned ballots and to verify the identities, residency, and citizenship of overseas non-military UOCAVA applicants.
Soles to Rolls volunteers challenged 807 registrations, providing solid information that could save clerks’ time. We’re recruited and trained clerk liaisons to collaborate with Michigan clerks in respectful and helpful ways.
Last in Line Project
In key jurisdictions, 50 volunteers stepped forward to ensure no voters were allowed to get in line and register or vote after the 8 PM closing of the polls on Election Day.
During October, MFEI filed an amicus brief in support of five U.S. Congressmen suing to compel Pennsylvania to follow existing law and verify the identity and eligibility of overseas voters. In Michigan, we are sponsoring an important case in which 11 legislators are claiming their rights were usurped when two constitutional amendments circumvented the legislature to amend election law and the state constitution. Our case in Minnesota argues the state’s use of the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) violates the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act.
The Pennsylvania case was dismissed based on standing and proximity to an election. Decisions in the two MFEI-sponsored cases are expected soon.
Communication and Messaging
MFEI has produced dozens of original articles reporting on and investigating election issues. Many have been published on leading national news sites, increasing MFEI’s reputation as an authority on election integrity. Each Friday, MFEI’s website aggregates the top election-related articles from other outlets and provides links to them.
Detroit Warehouse Watch
A warehouse near Detroit’s notorious Huntington Place was identified as the location from which ballots are printed and delivered to multiple counties throughout the state. MFEI volunteers coordinated with the Detroit police to monitor the location in the November election cycle with video cameras and physical presence. While no illegal activity was uncovered, MFEI’s activity could well have served as a deterrent.
Only Citizens Vote Initiative

MFEI launched a statewide awareness campaign aimed at Soles to Rolls volunteers, legislators, county leaders and MFEI supporters. Working with Check My Vote, MFEI was able to monitor the system and track overseas ballots, providing vital statistics for analysis and follow-up.
So, join me in celebrating these remarkable accomplishments. In the coming weeks, MFEI will be developing goals and strategies for 2025. Please send your suggestions (contact@mifairelectiions.org) and watch for them to be published right here on our website where we publish news, commentary and organizational information.
May God Bless America.
MFE is a fiercely independent, tax-exempt 501(c)3 charity. We rely on voluntary contributions to fund our important, and sometimes costly, work. Legal claims are sometimes essential to improve the government and protect citizen rights, and they can be expensive. MFE accepts no government funding.
See Thanksgiving and Fanfare for Pure Integrity Michigan Elections for PIME accomplishments.
