Another Important Step in the Right Direction
By John Droz, Jr. | December 30, 2024
Reprinted with permission from https://substack.com/home/post/p-153120406
Since it has not been acknowledged or published by the legacy media, very few people are fully aware of one of the main reasons why Trump won in 2024… Here it is —
Since 2020, TENS OF THOUSANDS OF HOURS went into publicly exposing bad election policies, plugging election loopholes, upgrading states’ election legislation, filing hundreds of good lawsuits (mostly by the RNC), getting Republicans to vote, etc., etc.
Most of these efforts were done for free by dedicated, patriotic, citizen volunteers.
A superior example is that NC attorney Cleta Mitchell lead an informal group of patriots interested in election reform, and they met online on Friday mornings. Every Friday morning — since early 2021! I know as I attended several of these TWO HUNDRED (200+) private meetings since the beginning.
There are MANY unsung heroes in this group (and elsewhere). I won’t mention their names, as they don’t feel that being a patriotic citizen warrants special recognition. One of many outgrowths of these meetings was a more formal organization: Election Integrity Network.
The group’s latest worthy effort is that they have just released a US Citizens Election Bill of Rights (posted below). They are working with some key Republican Congressional people, so some of these will likely get incorporated into federal legislation.
This is a living document, so if you have any constructive suggestions for improvement, please post them in the Comments, here.
We, the Citizen Voters of the United States do hereby proclaim this Elections Bill of Rights to secure the integrity of America’s elections, which are the bedrock of America’s constitutional republic; so that our elections are protected from fraud, manipulation, and error, free from foreign interference and influence, enabling the citizens of the United States of America to faithfully give to or withdraw our consent from those who seek to govern our nation, our states, and our local communities, enshrining in the laws of our nation the following principles:
I. Only US Citizens Participate in US Elections, in Any Manner
Documentary proof of citizenship / confirmation of citizenship status to register
States adopt Only Citizens Vote constitutional amendments
States must confirm citizenship status of current registered voters; compare voter rolls to state DMV / other data
Social Security Administration must confirm citizenship status per HAVV
DHS must provide data to states at no cost to confirm citizenship status for any new registration, current voter lists, upon request
ID for voting must clearly state CITIZEN on the ID; only IDs issued to US Citizens and state residents can be used for registration and voting
Eliminate registration at any agency other than election offices and DMV
No registrations added to voter rolls unless confirmation of identity, residency and US citizenship; States must confirm missing ID for residency, identity, citizenship or remove from rolls
Federal (and state) Census to confirm citizen population, apportion representation among states and base all representative districts (local, state, federal) on citizenship population only
Prohibit foreign money in issue campaigns and elections, directly or indirectly, with criminal penalties for violation
Prohibit foreign ownership of voting equipment companies and/or election related systems, prohibit foreign made or ownership of software or parts used in voting equipment
II. Voter ID For All Votes / Voters: Acceptable ID Confirms Citizenship
Photo ID for all methods of voting
Permissible ID for voting can only be type that confirms identity, residency, and US citizenship
Additional verification for people voting by mail (QR Code, Valid passport, or other non-subjective identifier linked to unique voter registration number)
III. All Vote on Election Day, Except Qualified Absentee Voters; Results Election Night
In-person voting on Election Day, no early voting
Vote in precinct polling places, limit size of precincts so all can vote on Election Day
Establish criteria for eligibility to vote absentee
Require verification of identity of citizenship, identity and residency of all voters, using proper ID; no vote can be counted until verified eligible voter
Eliminate Same Day Registration
Processing and tabulation of absentee ballots must be conducted in public
Absentee ballots received by close of polls on Election Day, no ballot ‘curing’ or extended deadlines for ANY ballots
Absentee ballots verified in advance, but tabulated and reported on Election Night
IV. Confirm Citizenship, Identity, & Residency of All Voters, Rigorous Voter Roll Maintenance
Compare voter registration lists against citizenship data, confirm identity and residency of all current registrants
Require regular, ongoing list maintenance by all jurisdictions
Repeal blackout periods for list maintenance under federal and state law
Publish qualified voter list before Election Day; list of who voted within three (3) days of election
Election offices must accept documentation of bad registrations from citizens; act on citizen challenges
Institute procedures for USPS and DMV to notify election office of registrants’ moving
Penalties for election officials’ failure to clean voter rolls, retain private right of action to enforce
List Maintenance records are public records, even if outsourced to vendor
Prohibit sharing of DMV data with any 3rd party or nongovernmental entity
V. Replace All Vulnerable / Insecure Voting Technology; Only Pre-Printed Secure Paper Ballots, Hand-Marked
Eliminate touchscreens, ballot marking devices, QR Codes read by machines
Allow for certain technology solely for disabled voters, supervised, pre-approved
Prohibit internal modems and all remote access capability for any voting technology
Mandatory, public pre-election testing of all technology used in elections, not vendor controlled
No foreign-owned voting equipment companies, no foreign-made voting equipment, databases, parts, or software
Manual confirmation and backup for any technology process, including tabulation, e-poll books,
Publish results at each voting location prior to delivery to county, then to state, to allow comparison of results and data by public
All voting technology built on open-source hardware and software; eliminate proprietary code
VI. Confirm Accuracy of Election Results Pre-Certification; Require Post Election Independent Audits
Require precinct, county/city, AND state reconciliation of number of voters to equal number of ballots to equal number of votes
Confirm by statute certification is discretionary, not ministerial, to ensure accuracy of results
Require independent post-election audits of election procedures & results by state auditors / 3d party (not the election offices auditing themselves)
Eliminate risk-limiting and other pretend ‘audits’
VII. Ensure Transparency of Elections and Election Records
Ensure all processing, voting, tabulation procedures are open to meaningful public observer and media access
ALL election records (including electronic) are by law public records that must be retained for 24 months
Publish/ make available at no cost all election records (redacted PII), including all chain of custody documents, cast vote records, ballot images, electronic and all other records related to the election
Citizen standing to sue if records are withheld or destroyed
Provide civil and criminal penalties for withholding / destroying election records
VIII. Protect Deployed Military Voters, Separate from Overseas Civilians
Separate procedures for registration / voting by overseas civilian citizens from deployed military
For military:
Apply to all active-duty deployments, not just overseas
Allow registration / voting if prior resident, registration in state
Allow email/fax FPCA, voting
Require copy of military ID or valid US passport
If no prior registration / residency in state, allow voting in District of Columbia
For civilians:
Require copy of valid US passport to register/vote from overseas
Require prior residency, registration in a state to register / vote in the state
Require proof of overseas residence (lease, other documentation)
If no prior residency or voter registration in state, limit to presidential only, count with District of Columbia voters
IX. Eliminate Leftwing Billionaire Election Schemes
Prohibit ranked choice voting, National Popular Vote, other concocted voting methods
Protect one person, one vote and Constitutional framework from radical leftwing billionaires
X. Citizen Standing to Enforce Election Laws; Protect Laws from Leftwing Legal Apparatus; Accountability & Penalties for Violations
Citizens have statutory standing to enforce election laws (such as appeal of HAVA decisions), and to enforce election statutes against officials ignoring / breaking election laws
Election law challenges require facts establishing particularized injury to individuals impacted or to be impacted, not speculative assertions by groups
Election laws should be self-executing, with severe penalties for violations
Follow John Droz, Jr.'s Substack, Critically Thinking About Select Societal Issues, https://substack.com/@criticallythinking
News@Noon Returns Next Week!

Join us Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 12 PM for
the weekly Coalition Task Force Meeting
To attend this meeting, use the Registration link below . It changes weekly.
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Note: No representatives of the media are allowed in our meetings.
Important Notes and Disclaimers for Election Integrity Network National Working Groups and coalition calls
We operate under strict 501 (c)(4) non-profit, non-partisan guidelines. Please do not make any comments during the call or in the chat that are directly related to any campaign or candidate running for office or could be considered an endorsement or opposition of that candidate.
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We always welcome new participants but ask that all newcomers register with their own registration link. Please do not forward your personal link to another participant.
For the security of the call, if you join by phone, you may be asked to unmute and provide your name.
This meeting is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or instruction to lobby on behalf of any issue or organization.
Please donate to Michigan Fair Elections
MFE is a fiercely independent, tax-exempt 501(c)3 charity. We rely on voluntary contributions to fund our important, and sometimes costly, work. Legal claims are sometimes essential to improve the government and protect citizen rights, and they can be expensive. MFE accepts no government funding.
Please support MFE's investigative research, honest journalism, and litigative actions to defend We the People's inalienable rights as protected in the U.S. Constitution. Donate today to assist our educational efforts to protect the principles of individual liberty in America.
Mark your calendars to attend Election Integrity Network's outstanding National Working Groups. Consider also serving as liaison to report to the Task Force Coalition on our Thursday News@Noon meetings.
A link to the full list of National Working Group Meetings is HERE (All meetings are noted in Eastern time.)
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