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Election Integrity News Blog


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Week in Review.

Erick Kaardal, special counsel to the Thomas More Society, said he expected a fight when entering the case, based on the group’s past experience fighting similar ordinances in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

However, the law, as referenced in the claim, appeared clear: The government cannot compel speech.

Kaardal said “good legal work” by East Lansing City Attorney Anthony Chubb was a big reason Council decided to repeal the ordinance and end the dispute quickly. When the city discontinued the ordinance, the Thomas More Society and Plaintiff Matt Hagan of Hagan Realty Inc. (Pictured here) did not continue to press the issue. Neither pursued asking the court to award them legal fees or damages, and the lawsuit was simply withdrawn.

“It was never our intention to try and make money off the situation,” Hagan said. “We accomplished what we set out to do.”

Detroit Free Press

‘These agencies are supposed to protect us, and [yet] they are the ones who are perpetrating this fraud on the American people.’

Jay Ashcroft and Mac Warner, the secretaries of state of Missouri and West Virginia, respectively, recently told The Federalist they are increasingly worried about the mounting evidence documenting federal agencies’ interference in prior elections....

Ashcroft pointed to the long-awaited report from U.S. Attorney John Durham that confirmed ...the FBI possessed no real evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russian government officials when it launched its investigation into the Trump campaign leading up to the 2016 election.

NPR Defends Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). Attacks Cleta Mitchell.

"It's supposed to be cleaning the voter rolls, but it's not. It is a covert method of registering targeted voters," said Patrice Johnson, the leader of the Michigan group, when she appeared on Mitchell's podcast.

Elon Musk issued a warning to the Department of Justice (DOJ) after former President Donald Trump was indicted on multiple federal charges on Thursday.

“There does seem to be far higher interest in pursuing Trump compared to other people in politics,” Musk wrote in a Twitter post on Thursday night, responding to a comment made by a prominent user on the platform. “Very important that the justice system rebut what appears to be differential enforcement or they will lose public trust.”

The ballots were discovered in a storage unit in Genesee County, which encompasses the city of Flint, Mich., and Thetford Township.

In 2021, Thetford Township Supervisor Rachel Stanke first became aware of the potential existence of the missing ballots. She initially contacted the Michigan attorney general and the secretary of state, then later told the Michigan State Police who are investigating the circumstances surrounding the ballots after recovering them in August 2022.

Left-wing organizations provide substantial, foreign-funded resources for conducting American elections on a partisan basis at the local level, points out U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN.)

Benjamin Hovland, Vice Chair of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), admits foreign influence in U.S. elections through a new form of Zuckerbucks could be problematic .

“This is an $80 million initiative, funded by a web of left-wing entities, to ‘help’ local election administrators conduct elections,” Hagerty explained. “It’s a new form of ‘Zuckerbucks,’ is what it is. This network of entities has received tens—if not hundreds—of millions of dollars from a foreign left-wing billionaire named Hansjörg Wyss. He’s not a U.S. Citizen, so he can’t contribute directly to our elections, but he’s found a way to be involved in our elections.”

After investigating several tips that he received, the sheriff of Racine County made a televised, public presentation in which he exposed the evidence that his office was able to collect regarding possible felony violations committed by the Wisconsin Elections Commission. -


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