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Election Integrity News Blog


Zoom at Noon tomorrow. PIME meeting June 10 featuring the renowned Professor Wagner


Please join us tomorrow at 12:00 PM as Tammy Clark, vice President of Stand Up Michigan discusses important news from Arizona. Here the state legislature exercised its constitutional authority to oversee elections and ordered all counties to stop using electronic tabulators. Task Force and Committee leaders have much to report, and Tim Vetter has news to share regarding Soles the Rolls.

Members only. No press.

Learn what you counties are doing to combat the latest attacks on voter rights. The Thomas More Society and special counsel Erick Kaardal are on a roll. Plus Soles to Rolls is up an running!

Members welcome. Sorry, no press.

Also, be sure to register and join our national working groups and statewide committees.

Hope to see you at noon tomorrow.

Patrice Johnson, Chair

Mark your calendars: Don't miss National Working Group and MFE/PIME committee meetings:

National Working groups:

  1. Election Technology

  2. Citizens Research Project

  3. Legislation

  4. Ranked (rigged) choice voting

  5. Voter Rolls

  6. Vulnerable Voters

  7. New to MFE and the Network? Sign up for the Introductory class


“Good Governance and Election Integrity,” featuring the renowned Professor William Wagner

Mark your calendar to attend Pure Integrity Michigan's June 10 meeting in Stockbridge,

Professor William Wagner, of Salt & Light Global, is a former U.S. federal judge and internationally recognized expert in constitutional law and good governance.

• Counsel, numerous matters before U.S. Supreme Court

• Briefs & testimony: U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva, U.S. Congress, Swedish Supreme Court, U.K. Parliament

• Legal counsel U.S. Senate, Dept. of Justice

• Chief Counsel, Mich. Senate Judiciary

• American diplomat & Sr. Advisor for Global Criminal Justice, U.S. Dept. of State

• Published writings in journals, books, & publications

Begins at 5 o'clock PM with a potluck and business meeting. Address: 305 W Elizabeth Street, Stockbridge, MI 49285.

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